
Housing Assistance

“The roof collapsed on my apartment and it was condemned within an hour. I would never want anyone to experience how fast the firefighters wanted me to gather up what I could. It was extremely stressful not having a home for my son and the dog. The feeling of not knowing what to do was overwhelming. I cannot put into words what it meant to me, my son and my dog Guinness to know that the Brown & Brown Family was there for us with encouragement and support. We are thankful beyond words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! May your blessings outnumber the Shamrocks that grow and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”

Lots of hugs,

Therese Hennessy
Brown & Brown Empire State
Syracuse, NY

Emergency Assistance

“My sister and I applied to the foundation for emergency assistance. Words cannot express how grateful my family and I are to your foundation for your very generous grant. We could not have made our fathers final wishes without you.”

Sincerely, Amy Alexander and the Bradford Family

Transportation / Lodging Assistance

“On behalf of me and my family, I wanted to share how much we appreciate receiving assistance from the Brown & Brown Disaster Relief Foundation for transportation and lodging costs associated with the ongoing medical treatments of my daughter Megan. My family and I recently took a trip to Disney World through the Make a Wish Foundation and had a ball! I thought it would be fitting to pass this picture to the committee to see the lives they touch with the Foundation they Manage.”

God Bless,

Jason Weilage
Employee Benefits Consultant

Flood Relief

“…On behalf of my husband and myself, I just want to express my gratitude to Brown & Brown for their assistance after our home flooded. With over 2 feet of water in our home, I lost several pieces of office equipment and furniture. Thanks to Brown & Brown’s “disaster relief fund”, I was able to replace that quickly. I am so grateful to be part of the Brown & Brown family.

Thank you again for your support and compassion.”

– Colleen Cregan

Medical Treatment

“My son needed special medical treatment and I wrote to the foundation for assistance. This is a TRUE blessing to receive assistance from the foundation. He called me last night to tell me he’s doing great and for me to make sure I say “thank you to the people at your work for helping me get here.” My son was in inpatient care for about 90 days, without the help from the foundation, there was doubt that he would get the help he needed. He is home now and I can say for certain, this experience has changed/saved his life. I can never thank you enough. It makes me feel like B &B really cares about us as people.

…I’ve attached a picture of Dylan doing what he loves! He is doing abstract paintings now and loving it! And also, of course, my youngest, Brady, is so happy that big brother is “home and not sick in the hospital anymore” is what Brady tells everyone!

Please be sure and let everyone know how much we appreciate the decision being made to help Dylan get through this time in his life, truly life changing!”

– Tracy Lake